Tuesday, 22 August 2017

VISY Recycling Centre

Last week we visited the VISY Recycling Centre in Onehunga. First we spent some time in the classroom learning about  how the different types of rubbish are sorted and packed to be sent away and made into new things.

Then we put on safety helmets, glasses and vests and went for a walk to watch the trucks deliver the rubbish to the centre. Large bulldozers push the rubbish onto a conveyor belt and then it goes into the machines that sort and bale up the rubbish.

There are five types of rubbish that are recycled at the centre:
1. Plastic
2. Glass
3. Paper and cardboard
4. Aluminium
5. Steel

We learnt that it is really important to only put items that can be recycled in our recycling bins. Soft plastics like shopping bags and chip packets get stuck in the machines.
We also learnt that we should wash our recycling before putting it in the bin because then it wont smell so bad at VISY!

We had a great time on our visit to VISY and we learnt a lot. Now we can use that knowledge to take better care of our environment.


  1. hi my name is pj and im from weley primary school and i like the glasses and the suits and i like the way you are crossing the road is well

  2. hi my name is sofaia from Wesley primary school. I really like how you crossed safely on the road and when you put on those Glasses and the suits. and i really like how you were focus on the recycling Trip really like it WELL DONE KEEP IT UP RM5.

  3. Hello we are Room 3 from Waikowhai Primary. We love seeing all the pictures of you at the Recycling centre in Onehunga. Next time it would be great to see a video of the bulldozer moving all the rubbish. How did you get to the recycling centre?

    1. Hi Room 3, thank you for reading and commenting on our blog. We had lots of fun at the Recycling center. We couldn't take photos of the bulldozer because of safety reasons. We went in a School Bus to the Recycling Center.

  4. Hi my name is Mercia and I am from hay park school . I really loved your photos From your . recycling centre trip. Did you havej fun?what was your favourite part of your trip? you can add a video of your class recycling. Did you see cool things like worms and spiders?
