Wednesday 16 August 2017

Garden to Table

 Last week at Garden to Table we harvested different vegetables and herbs to make Vegetable Fritata. We needed to find parsley, kale, silverbeet, spring onion, and beetroot leaves. When we got to the hall we prepared the leaves for cooking and cooked the fritata. While we waited for it to cook we tried to identify different plants by looking at their leaves. Some of them were a bit tricky! The vegetable fritata was delicious and many of us went back for a second helping.


  1. I am so impressed that you made your own frittata with greens from your garden. Vege frittata is one of my favourite quick meals and it is so nutritious. Your garden looks amazing! I wish I lived in Auckland so I could pick some of your spinach and kale for my smoothies! Have you ever tried kale or spinach in a smoothie? It is delicious with a banana or some berries.

  2. Hi Tania. Thank you for commenting on our blog. We have never made smoothies at school. We will ask Mrs Tonga if we can make some soon.
    Ms Rose and Room 5

  3. Talofa lava Rima class my name is kali from Hay Park School.
    I like the plants you made. Did you like carrots that you ate with your class? next time you could plant other vegetables.

  4. Talofa lava Rima class, my name is Dorothy and I am from Bishop class.I love your vegetables that you planted. How did you planted the vegetables? Maybe next time you could show me what vegetable you ate.

  5. Hi my name is Charlotte I am nine years old. I like that you planted some vegetables in the gardens, and that you took some pictures of doing gardening. Doing gardening must of been fun to do.
