Tuesday, 22 August 2017

VISY Recycling Centre

Last week we visited the VISY Recycling Centre in Onehunga. First we spent some time in the classroom learning about  how the different types of rubbish are sorted and packed to be sent away and made into new things.

Then we put on safety helmets, glasses and vests and went for a walk to watch the trucks deliver the rubbish to the centre. Large bulldozers push the rubbish onto a conveyor belt and then it goes into the machines that sort and bale up the rubbish.

There are five types of rubbish that are recycled at the centre:
1. Plastic
2. Glass
3. Paper and cardboard
4. Aluminium
5. Steel

We learnt that it is really important to only put items that can be recycled in our recycling bins. Soft plastics like shopping bags and chip packets get stuck in the machines.
We also learnt that we should wash our recycling before putting it in the bin because then it wont smell so bad at VISY!

We had a great time on our visit to VISY and we learnt a lot. Now we can use that knowledge to take better care of our environment.

Thursday, 17 August 2017

New World Little Garden

This term our Inquiry is Sustainability. We will be investigating how we can create a more sustainable environment at Wesley Primary School. New World Supermarket kindly donated a box of their Little Garden seeds to us so we are growing them to plant into our Garden to Table gardens. Seeds need water, soil, and light to grow. We are watching our seeds carefully for signs that they are starting to germinate.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Garden to Table

 Last week at Garden to Table we harvested different vegetables and herbs to make Vegetable Fritata. We needed to find parsley, kale, silverbeet, spring onion, and beetroot leaves. When we got to the hall we prepared the leaves for cooking and cooked the fritata. While we waited for it to cook we tried to identify different plants by looking at their leaves. Some of them were a bit tricky! The vegetable fritata was delicious and many of us went back for a second helping.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Kiwi ball with Coach Marko

This term we are learning how to play Kiwi ball with Coach Marko. Kiwi ball is a lot like Baseball. You hit the ball off a tee and then run round the bases. The fielding team have to collect up all the tennis balls and return the baseball to the tee before the batter makes it home. Kiwi ball is lots of fun.

Monday, 14 August 2017

Vector Talk

We learnt a lot about Electrical Safety when Vector came to Wesley Primary.
Here are our top tips for keeping ourselves safe around electricity.

Electricity and water don't mix! Keep plugs and chargers away from water.

Never overload a plug socket. Use a multi board.

Don't put anything metal in an appliance or a socket.

Stay away from transformer boxes and power lines.

Don't go near damaged power lines.

Don't use any appliance or charger that has a frayed cord.